Going online

I stopped to speak to Dean Dyson as he was packing up in East Street. I think it was.

I asked him if he uses the internet.

Building an online business

“Over 10 Million views on Facebook alone!” was the perfect answer.

A talented musician reaching out to a global audience without understanding how it is done. Something that just happened. Happened because someone he did not know, with a Facebook page he hadn’t seen, did what people do with Facebook pages. They created a market far beyond the crowds that drift by every day.

The essence of what it means to “go online”.

Talent spontaneously plugging into a global business without ever intending it to happen.

A sea of stupidity

Watching the inevitable withdrawl of NATO forces one can’t help thinking back to all the times before and the question which must be asked.

“What if they declared a war and nobody came to play?”

Similarly something has gone horribly wrong on the net. It all started with heady predictions of change. But no one anticipated the multi headed monster we have exposed and we still can’t quite put our finger on where it has gone wrong.

“We are swimming in an ocean of information and drowning in a sea of stupidity”


Changing course

It is difficult to understand how a tool that facilitates the unrestricted exchange of information and know how, can so easily, be warped and twisted  into a threat to our freedom and well being.

But apparently, according to some of those who might know, we are already there .

The internet is not safe for kids let alone their more vulnerable and gullible elders.

Cyber bullying, shaming, disinformation, trolling, abuse and exploitation. All a part of our every day online experience. The messy bits we can see. But it goes deeper than this. A lot deeper, much darker and what is most disturbing is that, if there is a real threat, it is a mirror reflection of who we are and the society we are creating.

The social order we are responsible for.

A damning reality, yet at the same time, an opportunity to change the way we think, the way we interact and what we do.

Sharing what we know

There has been a lot that has been said about the sharing economy. Both good and bad. But the one thing that everybody appears to be missing is the need for us to reevaluate our basic understanding of what drives, motivates and makes these things work.

The need to evolve a sustainable form of capitalism that provides a new business model, creating a win-win solution and an equitable return for all involved.

Human capital

Every business is built around the people that are the business. The human capital. The key to the success or failure of any business lies in the management of that human capital.

This is never easy. Putting together a team that fits and works together is possibly the most important part of building a successful business.

Everyone is different



Data capture

I don’t have a problem with online privacy.

At least I don’t think I have a problem with privacy on the internet. It is just a tool that I have got used to.  One that I am familiar with. Learning a long time ago that as long as you have nothing to hide you should have nothing to fear.

Believing Edward Snowdon is just another, slightly more naive, not as badly adjusted version of Julian Assange.

But after watching one of the many interviews he has done, I am no longer so sure. He made the point that the internet is a very powerful tool which can do a lot of damage in the wrong hands. Something that concerns him and I have a nasty feeling it is something that should be worrying a lot more of us.



What I find so profoundly disturbing about the spectacle that is the 2020 Presidential Elections in the US is the impact it has on the rest of us. How easily reality is being bent, twisted and warped out of shape.  A reality check. Indisputable evidence of our failure and inability to communicate, to separate what is fact from fiction.

The inevitable decline of Western Civilisation.


Consumers are connected through a variety of Social Media channels 24/7. A powerful business tool for marketing your products, ideas, or services is the growing Influence of Social Authority.

Freedom to choose

The purists insist that to become a Digital Nomad you need to be homeless.  As well as footloose, the itinerant Tourist.

But they are missing the key to it all?

How to become a Digital Nomad

It is more about choice. It is about freedoms.

The freedom to choose. To make choices. Freedom  from being bound by the conventional constraints that strip one of an identity and the opportunity to choose the life we live.

The freedom to become a stay at home parent or one of those who are tucked away in the corner of a coffee shop , talking earnestly into an empty cup. One of those who does things differently and defies the norms.

It is really not necessary to live out of a suitcase to become a Digital Nomad.

This is about choices and doing things differently. Besides which backpacking never was everything it is cracked up to be.